08 May, 2016

Friend Fiction: Number One, Part Five

"I kind of feel like we should do something while were' here." Katy said, watching the butterflies flitting from flower to flower out in the sunlight. Patrick, strummed a few merry chords on his mandolin. "Like what?" He asked. Katy shrugged. "I don't know, maybe clean it up a bit?" The three of them looked around, but aside form some rubble there wasn't much to clear away. "Well, it's not like it's getting any visitors out here," Amanda said, wandering off to look at more of the carvings. Katy looked to Patrick for an idea. Patrick just kept placidly playing his mandolin. She sighed in mild annoyance and wandered off outside, with Jaspers close at hand. She waded into the flowers and picked a nice bundle. Near the edge of the swath of flowers was a nice little pile of rocks. She picked out a couple nice ones. She even found a small snail shell. She brought them back into the ruins. Amanda watched as Katy arranged the little bouquet with the rocks in front of the alter, under the unicorn sigil. She smiled in approval.

....And I'm out of gas. I left this sitting in "drafts" too long and now I don't have the gumption to finish it. Boo, Amanda, boo. Oh well. Maybe later.

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