10 May, 2017

Yet another cool dream

So, last night I had a kinda really cool dream. I was trying to find Major Kira Nerys from DS9, because a couple of the kids form the Brady Bunch were scared. They owed the mob a favor and to make sure the kids kept their promise, the mob stole their mom. Well, that's one way to do it. But first, I had to find the REAL Major Kira. Her bizzaro world counterpart was running around, trying to get into the armory, and I was like, "get ye gone, bitch" and locked her in a broom closet. The real Kira and I, under the watchful eye of Chief of Station Security Odo, all went to this little village where mob activity was supposedly happening. We ended up finding the mob boss's office. He had Phillip J Fry's mom with him, except she was people instead of a cartoon. She slipped us a note with where to find the missing moms, the pass codes and everything. The mob boss warned us not to try to find the moms, just give up, because they were all going to be dead soon anyway, then he locks us in the office, which was on the third floor of an old western style bank. Odo was like "bitch please", oozed under the window and undid the hinges on the outside so we could escape. He turned into a big inflatable rescue cushion like fire fighters use and Kira and I jumped out the window and snuck across a field until we came to the next town, where the moms where hidden. The mom bunker was hidden inside a Cuban sandwich shop, according to the note and the only way to signal to the mob person in the shop that you were part of the mob too was to request a specific song on the jukebox and dance a salsa. Kira did the dancing, and I did the head nod to the mobster to let him know that was on purpose. He let us in through a little door in the kitchen where we found the mom bunker. there were like 20-30 ladies in there and a doctor tyring to keep all the ladies calm and healthy... for now. Odo knocked out the doctor and turned into a lady so it wasn't obvious that there was a strange man there. Fry's mom was like "it's about time you got here, I'll send the signal to go". The go signal was rearranging books on a shelf so that the first letters of the titles read "moms weather all". The ladies organized and got on, like, a cargo lift that would take them to the roof. We got there and the mob boss had stadium bleachers set up around the edges of the roof and was like "pfft, like I didn't know you were going to do this" and had all his cronies in the bleachers open fire on the group. BUT Kira and I had set up a mobile emitter to project a hologram of everyone on the freight lift and all the mob dudes shot each other as the bullets whizzed right through the holograms. We had gotten everyone out through the sandwich shop instead.
I woke up then.

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