16 March, 2016

A beautiful day

Wednesday, December 14

This was from 2005, I was a Sophomore in high school. I thought I was edgy. Being emo wasn't a thing yet, really. I kept a lot of daily journals during high school. I'm not sure why I don't do that any more. Any way, here's an excerpt. I'm using the other three girls' intitials. Anyway.  Forgive me...

"In psychology, KK and AE passed a note thing back and forth with SO and I. The first question on the sheet (I guess it was the class work for the day) today was  'it's a beautiful day when...' and they said stuff about sunshine and being naked in it. I said:
 '... a cold wind blows from the east and the clouds lay suffocatingly low in a bleak grey sky. Flocks of ravens roost in the branches of the naked trees who stretch their black limbs to the oppressive sky. A frozen rain falls and the earth sings a song of death while she prepares herself for the ravages of winter...
or when I'm home by myself doing whatever the hell I want!'

AE was like, 'it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood', and I'm like,' .... said Edgar Allen Poe!'"

God damn, that's some edgy shit.