24 March, 2016

Zero Hour Chapter 2

       Grace sprinted as fast as she could down the nearest alley. Before she knew what was going on  she was several blocks away from the Presidential Palace. Apparently, her body didn't care if she still wanted to watch or not, and hauled her right out of there. An gigantic armored vehicle rumbled by on the avenue, probably toward the Palace, which was the exact opposite way she was going to go. People rushed about in every direction in panic. It was understandable, considering the comfortable lives they had been living had suddenly imploded in a hurricane of red coats.
She could hear the faint whirring of helicopter blades and watched as four sleek black helicopters rose into the sky. Many on the street stopped and stared after them, too. It was a clear sign that whatever coup had just taken place was a success.

Now what?


A woman down the street from her collapsed in sobbing. Grace decided that she wasn't going to follow suite and kept hurrying along away from the Palace.

There's a bit more, but it's very convoluted. I can't even figure out what I was meaning by half of it. It happens a lot. I know there was supposed to be something about Grace meeting the resisters, having their hideout raided and almost drowning, she somehow gets captured, tortured and turned into weapon, and only escapes after setting literally everything on fire. I kind of liked the idea of her being killed, but also reborn from both fire and water. I wanted to play with the symbology of water and fire, where the Usurper was the fire that burns everything away, and Grace is the water that returns life to the ashen wastes. I kind wish I had written down more, even if it was just notes.

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