19 April, 2016

Friend Fiction: Number One, Part Four

Their footsteps echoed softly on the worn floor stones. "This is incredible!" Katy said, eyes wide, taking in the ruins. Jaspers padded past her and hoped up onto the alter next to Patrick. Amanda studied the carvings as they passed them. "I wonder who they worshiped here." Patrick mused, plucking a few staccato chords. "Ehlonna," Amanda replied, approaching the alter. "See there?" She pointed to a scene of a rearing unicorn in a field of flowers etched into the side of the alter. "That's her sigil." She peered closely at the carving, tracing the lines with her fingers. Katy examined the alter too. She could see the faint glimmer of decaying spells within the carvings. The whole place still hummed with soft, ancient magic. "The temple was probably built on a leyline. It's naturally full of magic. Any spells done here would be extra effective." Patrick paused his strumming. "Explains a lot." He nodded and continued playing and sang yet another hymn to Pelor softly. Katy glanced at him, worried. "Maybe you shouldn't sing songs to Pelor in a temple to Ehlonna." She said. Amanda circled the oak. "I don't think she's here." She sighed and came to stand next to Patrick. "The oak. It's the sigil of Obad-Hai. His followers could have sacked the place and planted the oak on her alter out of spite." Katy frowned. "That explains why this place is abandoned." Jaspers plurped at her to sheer her up some. Patrick paused his playing again. "So, followers of an evil god wrecked this place?" He grew concerned at the prospect. Amanda's mouth twitched downwards as she thought of what to say. "Obad-Hai isn't necessarily evil. He's considered more neutral than good, but he and Ehlonna share the same sort of dominions; woodlands, the hunt, nature..." She tried imagining what the temple had looked like in all it's glory. "Ehlonna represents more of nature as beauty and purity, while Obad-Hai represents more of the power of nature, and how nature isn't inherently good or evil and will eventually reclaim everything we build." She gestured widely to indicate the ruins. Katy nodded in understanding.

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