12 April, 2016

Honored Foe 3

Saul remembered everywhere he had been. He had visited Boston many times over the centuries. But this time, he remembered clearly.
"Ah, yes. I shall never forget. Jack and the Marauder had me rather roughed up, if I remember correctly."
Medea nodded, looking almost sad.
"Yeah, they got you pretty good. But you got them pretty good, too. They had to send me after you, because neither of them could do it. I was still an apprentice. But I found you. I followed you all the way out to that abandoned manor near Concord. You know, that was the first time I had chased down a quarry on my own."
Saul, lost in memory, gazed at her. He remembered the scrawny thing, jumping at every sound, with holes in her jeans, and fondness for plaids. Nothing like the capable, refined woman that sat across from him now. In another life, perhaps they would have been close friends, maybe lovers, but speculations do nothing but distract for what is.
"I had no idea that I was your first. You found me handily. It was very impressive."
Medea's blush deepened.
"Thank you." She smiled again.
"Tell, me, my dear, why did you not finish me then? I was in the palm of your hand. You could have destroyed me. Why hesitate?"
Medea brushed her hair back, and thought for a moment.
"It wouldn't have been right." She said finally. She remembered finding him under the rotting floorboards in the carriage house. In retrospect, it was a cunning move on his part. Most others of his kind were still vain enough to believe that they needed a house at day. But any hidden place in which one could be buried would suffice. When she had dragged him out of his grave, just before dawn, and looked into those endless eyes she knew this wouldn't be a fair kill.  He had been so weak, and frail. Killing an infirmed old man would have been harder. She had let him go, and told him to tell no one that she had found him.
"It just wasn't right. It wouldn't have been honorable. I knew that if I were going to be the one to finish you, it was going to be me, and me alone."
Saul and Medea sat in silence for moment. Saul could feel himself weakening. He remembered what death felt like. The first time was swift and bloody and horrible. This was taking its time. It was peaceful, in a way.
"I'm sure you will dispose of my remains with dignity."
"Of course."
"To be honest, my dear. I have had many wives and lovers over the centuries, and even though I have trusted them all to some degree or another, I would never have trusted any of them with my final wishes."
Medea bowed her head in respect.
"That means a lot. Thank you."
"I have made up a will. Its a few decades old, but it is still valid. Be sure my attorneys get it."
Saul nodded. He couldn't think of anything else to say.
Medea cleared her throat.
"Would you like me to stay with you until its over? Or would you like privacy?"
Saul had never thought of that before. He never figured he would die so comfortably.
He took her hand gently.
"Yes, please stay."

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