18 April, 2016

Friend Fiction: Number One, Part Two

Patrick lead them down the path a way along a ridge. The three companions chatted and joked as they made their way through the trees. "We're almost there," Patrick chirped, ten minutes later. "Are you sure?" Amanda asked. "You said we were close a while ago." Patrick pointed to a rock at the edge of the path, smiling. "Pretty sure." He said. It must have been one of his landmarks. It made sense. The rock was a warm, weathered grey, unlike the tawny limestone many of the hills and cliffs in the area were made of. Jaspers hopped up onto it, sniffing at the edges. "You're right, it is a bit weird," Katy said to Jaspers. She crouched next to the rock, brushing fallen leaves away from the base. "Looks like this rock was worked by tools". Amanda crouched next to her. "I think you're right." Patrick smiled again "Nah, she's right. Just wait." The girls exchanged curious glances.  They straightened, Katy brushing twigs from the hem of her robe. They continued on. Shortly the ridge dropped away steeply to their left, into a shallow bowl in the earth. "Here we are!" Patrick exclaimed, gesturing widely with the spear. Amanda frowned, glancing around. There were just trees and rocks. Jaspers chirruped at Katy. "He said there's something nearby." Patrick began walking again, signing a hymn to Pelor softly. Just a few paces down the ridge Patrick handed the spear back to Amanda. She passed him to take the lead, but stopped short in amazement. In the steep side of the ridge were craved steps leading down into the depression in the forest. She glanced back at Patrick in disbelief, but he just continued to sing peacefully. Amanda started down the steps. More of the grey stones lay here and there among the trees.  She waited at the bottom of the stairs for her friends, trying to see through the trunks and brush. The tiny white flowers grew in even greater numbers here. Yellow butterflies flitted here and there in the shafts of sunlight.

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