05 April, 2016

more dreams

This one was super vivid. I really liked it.

The first thing I could remember was this little girls bound to a stake. A bunch of people were standing around debating on the best way to set her on fire without her suffering too much, because even though she was little, she was still a witch. Someone in the crowd was like "what are we doing? There's more important things to do". The girl got loose and fled. Meanwhile, there was a city. A huge floating city, that from a distance looked like an egg, but was really just level after level of of city. At the top lived a witch queen. She was nuts. Apparently all the people of the city were like "well, yeah. It's how it's always been. Just kinda deal with it, folks". The queen heard about the little girl and goes and rescues her. Turns out, the girl has whatever special mark it takes to be the next queen. But the girl is super chill and the people all really like her. They threw a parade for the new princess in the canal district. Just a bunch of canals winding through like three of four different levels. The queen and the princess rode this little boat. They were both decked out in red, yellow, black and white, like characters on playing cards, but they were seated like the Madonna and Holy Child. The queen got pissed that the citizens liked the princess more than her and tried to throw the princess off the side of the city into the lake like 500 feet below. But she lost her balance and fell. So the princess became the queen, but was too young to actually take the throne. It was a very colorful dream.

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